Products and Services


Products and Services

Direct selling companies offer more than 70 product and service categories – everything from health and beauty items, apparel and accessories to cookware, wine, pet products, gardening items and so much more.

Whether you’re looking for items to use around the house or yard, that perfect gift for someone special or products or services you can use to enjoy your hobbies, direct selling companies offer just about everything to match your needs and interests.

Check out the directory to explore all of the products and services available, which companies offer these items and how you can begin shopping.

What is the primary reason you became a direct seller?

To earn supplemental income (51%, 12,579 Votes)
To earn full-time income (35%, 8,610 Votes)
To buy the products at a discount (9%, 2,120 Votes)
I like to be recognized for my accomplishments (4%, 900 Votes)
I like to meet other people (1%, 689 Votes)
Total Voters: 24,898


I have to buy something if I’m invited to a party.


Not at all! Many people go to parties for the social atmosphere, the fun and to learn new things. Read about what to expect.


I have to buy something if I’m invited to a party.
of sellers have been with their company 1+ years
of sellers say direct selling meets or exceeds their expectations
of sellers report a good, very good or excellent experience with direct selling
of US adults have purchased products from a direct seller
15.8 million
people in the U.S. are involved in direct selling
$28.56 billion
in total US sales
$117 billion
sales worldwide

Multilevel marketing, which is commonly referred to as MLM, is a type of compensation plan found in direct selling. A direct selling company that offers a multilevel compensation plan pays its representatives based on the individual’s product sales as well as that of their “downline,” which refers to a group of people that consultants bring into a company to generate sales, their recruits, and so on.

Single level compensation plan is a structure in which a representative is compensated based solely on his or her individual product sales.

Independent contractors perform work or services for an entity on a non-employee basis. Direct sellers are statutory non-employees, and are treated as self-employed for all Federal tax purposes, including income and employment taxes, if: 1) substantially all payments for their services as direct sellers are directly related to sales or other output, rather than to the number of hours worked; and 2) their services are performed under a written contract providing that they will not be treated as employees for Federal tax purposes.

Network Marketing is a term sometimes used to describe direct selling, and often used interchangeably to describe the sales model or a compensation plan. Using the term “direct selling” for the sales model or “multilevel/single level marketing” for the type of compensation plan is more clearly conveys each term.

Direct marketing is a method used to distribute advertising and marketing materials such as catalogs, brochures or other items to consumers through mail, e-mail, telemarketing or other methods. Direct selling is NOT direct marketing.

Downline refers to a group of people that consultants bring into a company to generate sales, their recruits, and so on.

Upline refers to a consultant’s sponsor, along with his/her sponsor, etc.

Compensation Plan is a system that compensates consultants for their efforts and must be based primarily on the sales of products by the consultant and his/her downline. The level of earnings is often based on an achieved title or rank and is usually a percentage commission of sales. There are various types of compensation plans so it is important to fully understand how one will be compensated before joining a company.